Letters to Property Owners
Notice and Order to Correct Violation letters are mailed by regular and certified mail to property owners of failing OSS and animal waste violations.
Most violations are corrected voluntarily through education and technical assistance. Enforcement is conducted when voluntary correction has not been achievable, under the authority of Kitsap Health's OSS or solid waste regulations (Ordinance 2008-A1 (PDF) or Ordinance 2010-1 (PDF)).
Education and Outreach
Programs (including community demonstrations and school programs)
Mailings and General Outreach (including O&M manuals, guides)
Nonpoint pollution resulting from landowner practices can be best addressed through community engagement, outreach and education. Kitsap Health developed a Homeowner's Guide to Onsite Sewage Systems (PDF) that is available at the office and distributed with the Craft3 loan program brochures during parcel surveys. Other brochures are available and distributed when applicable including: pet waste, and livestock waste.
Social Marketing and Behavior Change
Social marketing studies in Kitsap County have been an important tool for determining communications messages. Many studies suggest that best results can be achieved by making three points, three times.
Websites and Social Media
Events (including workshops, open houses, and dinners)
Kitsap Health conducts public meetings to kick-off PIC projects, provide project updates, and provide free technical assistance about how to protect their septic system investment. Meeting invitations are mailed to project area owners and residents. Kitsap Health and KCPW partner to conduct three regional (north, central, and south) OSS workshops annually. Brochures, water conservation kits, and sink strainers are distributed and participants are given free Green Cleaning Kits.