Why is injury data important?
Injuries and violence are the leading causes of death and hospitalization for Washingtonians younger than 44 years old. Injuries are a common reason for people to be hospitalized. Injuries may result in death (fatal) or may be non-fatal. WTN includes data on a variety of common injuries, including: burns, drownings, falls, firearms, motor vehicle accidents, poisonings, and suffocation.
View the Data
Injury Deaths by Age - EMS Region
Additional Resources
Injury and Violence Prevention Program
Health of Washington State Report, Injury and Violence
Injury and Violence Prevention Publications
Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center
Injury and Violence Prevention and Control - CDC
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Contact Us
For information or questions related to the Washington Tracking Network, email DOH.WTN@doh.wa.gov.
Let us know how you have used our data
We love hearing about how our data is being used to make an impact on the health of Washingtonians. It also helps us to know what is meeting our users’ needs and how we can improve the information we provide. If you used our data, please tell us about it by sending an email to DOH.WTN@doh.wa.gov.
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