Tick Data

Ticks are found throughout Washington state and pose risks to both people and pets for tick-borne disease. Tick submissions from the general public provide important information on what tick species are encountered by the public and help determine the risk of tick-borne disease. Search WTN data to find information (tables, charts, and maps) on tick surveillance and other vector-borne disease data, such as West Nile virus.

Why is tick data important?

Ticks can carry harmful diseases. The most common tick-borne diseases in Washington State are tick-borne relapsing fever and Lyme disease, as well as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia. Ticks can also cause tick paralysis in both people and animals. Tick-borne illnesses can be very severe, so taking steps to avoid tick bites is important.

  • Ticks are most commonly encountered during the spring and early summer months.
  • The western black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus, is the state’s vector of Lyme disease. This tick is found in western Washington and along the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains.
  • The western dog tick, Dermacentor similis, and Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni, are vectors of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia. These ticks are common in eastern Washington.

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Tick Data

What’s Here

Ticks are submitted for identification along with a completed collection form with data provided by the submitter. Ticks are identified by species and life stage. Information about that tick species is emailed to the submitter along with links to additional information about ticks and tick-borne diseases associated with that species. Public tick submissions are not tested for the presence of pathogens.

The Tick Submission Form asks for the date of collection, county, zip code, and general location where the tick was most likely encountered. Additionally, submitters are asked what type of activity the submitter was engaged in at the time of encounter, what type of host the tick was collected from, if the tick was attached or not, age and gender of human hosts, if any out of state travel had occurred during the two weeks prior to finding the tick, and if so, the location of travel.

Prevent Tick Bites 

Learn more about ticks in Washington State

Additional Resources

Ticks, CDC

Contact Us

For information or questions related to the Washington Tracking Network, email DOH.WTN@doh.wa.gov.

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