Newborn Screening Facility Search:
Provider ID / Type | Provider | Address | Phone / FAX |
M0976 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Miranda Wentlandt LM CPM MSM | Miranda Wentlandt LM CPM MSM |
P:3607790004 F:3609388791 |
C1937 Clinic |
Mirasol Family Health Center Laboratory |
Mirasol Family Health Center |
P:5415671717 F:5415679662 |
M0798 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Misty Molina, CNM Love the Belly |
Misty Molina, CNM |
P:2533769070 F:2537617492 |
C2090 Clinic |
Mitchell Center for Natural Healing | Mitchell Center for Natural Healing |
P:2062846040 F:2062847943 |
C2262 Clinic |
Molina Medical | Molina Medical |
P:4253486727 F:4253486832 |
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