Immunize WA awards celebrate 10-year anniversary, introduce new award

For immediate release: August 26, 2024   (24-102) 

Contact: DOH Communications

The program seeks to increase childhood immunization rates through provider support

OLYMPIA – August is National Immunization Awareness Month. The Immunize Washington program is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Immunize WA awards. These awards recognize clinics across the state that meet or exceed state and national immunization goals for children and adolescents. A full list of the 2024 award recipients can be found here.

The Immunize Washington program, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, was created in partnership with the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), Washington State Health Care Authority, the WA State HPV Free Task Force, and all major health plans in Washington.

This year’s Immunize WA awards also include the new “HPV Cancer Prevention Award” category, which recognizes clinics that administered the first dose in the HPV vaccine series to at least 25% of their 9 to 10-year-old patients. This new category was created after data from the Washington State Immunization Information System forecasted the need to start the HPV immunization process earlier.

“Vaccines are the best protection we have against diseases like polio and hepatitis, but in recent years we’ve seen a drop in children completing their full immunization series, especially since the onset of COVID-19,” said Michele Roberts, Assistant Secretary for Prevention and Community Health, DOH. “The Immunize WA awards recognize providers across the state who are going above and beyond to have conversations with parents and make sure children get the protection they need. We are endlessly grateful for their support, and for their crucial role in creating healthy, safe communities.”

Immunize WA awards are separated into three major categories:

  • “Childhood Immunizations” for children ages 24-35-months-old who are up to date with four doses of DTaP, three doses of Polio, one dose of MMR, three doses of Hib, three doses of Hep B, one dose of Varicella, four doses of PCV, one dose of Hep A, two doses of Rotavirus, and 2 doses of Flu (HEDIS Combo 10).
  • Adolescent Immunizations” for children 13-years-old who have completed one dose of Tdap, one dose of MCV, and UTD HPV (HEDIS Combo 2).
  • “HPV Cancer Prevention Award” for patients 9-10-years old who are up to date with one dose of HPV.

Parents can learn more about required immunizations for the 2024-2025 school year here.

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