About the WSPC

Our Team

The WSPC Core Team coordinates the day-to-day logistics of WSPC initiatives, meetings, and provides quality improvement technical assistance and support. We collaborate with leadership teams, community organizations, patients and families, and advisory workgroups.


Bat-Sheva Stein, DNP, MSN, MSc, RN—Nurse Quality Manager, Legislation and Policy Lead

WSPG-Carolyn Sedan MPH

Caroline Sedano, MPH—Principal Investigator, MMRP Representative


Christine Mickelson, Youth and Young Adult Integrated Services Supervisor, HCA

WSPG-Dixie Weber MSN

Dixie Weber, MSN, RN— MMRP Nurse Consultant


Heather Weiher - First Steps and SUPP Program Specialist, HCA

WSPG-Jenica Sandall MSN

Jenica Sandall, MSN, RNC-OB, C-ONQS —Director of Safety and Quality, WSHA


Jennifer Helseth, MPH - Health Systems Analyst, DCYF

WSPG- Jill Smith MN

Jill Smith, MN, RN, CPHQ—MMRP Nurse Consultant 
WSPC Kailani Amine.

Kailani Amine, MHA, Director – WA Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics 


Katherine Lewandowski, Epidemiologist II  

WSPC-Krystle Perez MD

Krystle Perez, M.D– Neonatal Clinical Co-Lead


Luz Vilca Yengle, Epidemiologist III 


Melissa Kundur, RN – Health Care Services, HCA  


Patanjali de la Rocha, MSW, MPH – Birth Equity Project Coordinator  

WSPG-Rebecca Penders PhD.

Rebecca Penders PhD, RNC-OB, C-ONQS - Perinatal Regional Nurse
WSPG-Rita Hsu MD

Rita Hsu, M.D—OB Clinical Lead
WSPC Talia Horacek.

Talia Horacek - Program Coordinator
WSPG-Tiffany Tibbs MPH

Tiffany Tibbs Christensen, MPH, CHES—Program Lead
WSPG-Trish Anderson MBA

Trish Anderson MBA BSNSenior Director of Safety and Quality, WSHA


Sharilyn Emhoff BSN, RN — Perinatal Regional Nurse



End preventable morbidity, mortality, and disparities in pregnancy, postpartum, and infant care through quality improvement initiatives and fostering a network of statewide perinatal leaders.


Washington state is a safe and equitable place to experience pregnancy, give birth, be born, and parent.


  • Equity: Eliminate disparities in perinatal outcomes based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other factors. Equity is at the heart of the WSPC, and we prioritize projects that address social determinants of health, such as access to culturally responsive care.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Maintain transparency and accountability. We do this by providing timely and accurate information, engaging in meaningful dialogue, and being responsive to feedback and concerns. 
  • Open Membership: Establish an inclusive community without barriers or requirements for membership. The WSPC welcomes all who share an interest in enhancing perinatal and infant health, as we values diverse perspectives, ideas, and experiences.
  • Collaboration: Working beside and in partnership with the people and communities we seek to serve. We foster a culture of mutually beneficial, non-hierarchical collaboration, and are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment where all members feel valued, respected, and supported.  
  • Quality: Strive for the highest standards of performance in our programs, processes, and deliverables. We are lifelong learners committed to continuous improvement, high-quality work, and willingness to learn from mistakes and setbacks.

Read our strategic plan (PDF)