Epinephrine Autoinjectors

Epinephrine Autoinjectors and Anaphylaxis Training and Reporting

Applications and Forms | Frequently Asked Questions | Laws | Rules in Progress

In 2016, a law was passed allowing authorized entities to obtain epinephrine autoinjectors. An epinephrine autoinjector is a medical device used to deliver a single dose of epinephrine or adrenaline for the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis. Authorized entities that choose to acquire these devices must have people connected with the entity, such as employees, who have completed an anaphylaxis and epinephrine autoinjector training. These people will be responsible for the storage, maintenance, and general oversight of these products. They may administer or provide an epinephrine autoinjector to people who are experiencing anaphylaxis. An authorized entity is required to report to the Department of Health each incident of use of an obtained epinephrine autoinjector that was provided or administered to a person.

Report an Epinephrine Autoinjector Incident

To report an incident of use of an epinephrine autoinjector please submit this form.

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