EMS Data Reporting

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding EMS data reporting to the Washington Emergency Medical Services Information System (WEMSIS) under WAC 246-976-455.

Who is required to submit records to WEMSIS?

All licensed ambulance and aid services must submit patient care records to WEMSIS.

Emergency services supervisory organizations (ESSOs ) and organ transport services are not required to report records to WEMSIS.

Who can enter data in WEMSIS?

Submitters of records into WEMSIS should be identified at the discretion of the EMS service responsible for entry based on the available resources and applicable privacy laws, regulations
and protocols.

Who can complete a report/document care?

Documentation of care should be done in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and protocols for medical providers.

My agency is an aid service. If an ambulance service transports our patients, do we still need to complete and submit a patient care report?

Yes, all licensed ambulance and aid services are required to submit patient records for activations to which they are dispatched.

The number of fields and details required may be lower for aid services who provide limited care compared to ambulance services transporting the
patient. Specific fields required will vary.

If my agency dispatches two or more units to an incident, do both units need to submit a patient care report to WEMSIS?

No, EMS services will be required to submit only one record to WEMSIS per activation to which they are dispatched. In other words, if an EMS service dispatches two or more units to a single incident, only one patient care record is required for submission to WEMSIS for that licensed service.

Additional record submission may be required of other licensed services responding to that incident. Multiple records from a single licensed service may be submitted for each activation if an EMS service
deems it applicable and chooses to do so.

I already completed a NERIS (National Emergency Response Information System; previously NFIRS (National Fire Incident Reporting System)/ report, does this meet the WEMSIS reporting requirement?

No. NERIS/NFIRS is a separate reporting system that does not inform WEMSIS. A separate EMS record is required where applicable.

Do EMS services have to report cancelled calls that are cancelled before arrival?


Do EMS services have to report cancelled calls that are cancelled after arrival?


Do EMS services have to report calls for unit assist – no patient contact?


Do EMS services have to report calls for unit assist –patient contact?


Are EMS services required to report lift assists to WEMSIS?


Do EMS services have to report calls where the patient refused evaluation/care?


Do EMS services have to report calls where the patient was treated and transported to an air landing zone?


Do EMS services have to report records for an onsite event where patient contact was made but there was no transport?


Do EMS services have to report records when on standby at an event?

Yes, when dispatched to an event even when no patient contact is made.

Yes, when patient contact is made and care is provided.

Do EMS services have to report records for an onsite event where patient contact was made with transport?


EMS on scene for fire for fire fighter rehab/recovery support?

Yes, when patient contact is made, and care is provided.

Yes, when dispatched to an event when no patient contact is made may be reported as a cancelled call.

Which records meet the 48-hour requirement when records are updated?

The initial record submission is used to determine whether reporting was done within 48 hours of dispatch. Changes and corrections to records are not held to this timeline.

Records may be submitted prior to internal quality assurance reviews as records are automatically re- exported to WEMSIS when changes are made.
When notified of data errors or incomplete information, EMS services are required to submit the correction within 30 days of notification.

When are EMS services required to identify a WEMSIS administrator?

Initially all licensed ambulance and aid services should identify a WEMSIS administrator by October 30th, 2024. Following this date, updates should be made within 30 days of a change in administrator.

When does WEMSIS administrator training need to be completed?

Within 18 months of DOH being notified of the role assignment.

Can a single EMS service report data on behalf of one or more partner services?

Yes, this reporting is allowed when submissions are made under the respective license of each service whose data is being reported.

EMS services seeking to report in this manner should notify WEMSIS via email to ensure submissions are accounted for under each licensed

What EMS service demographic information is required?

Each licensed ambulance and aid service is required to report 12 demographic fields annually.
Demographic measures include volume and response counts and are due to the department by January 31st each year.

A complete list of required demographic fields can be found in WAC 246-976-455(3)(i).

How do I submit my EMS service demographic information?

Detailed instructions and training on how to submit EMS service demographic information will be provided to EMS services prior to the January 31 submission deadline.

Can hospitals access patient care reports in WEMSIS?

Hospitals may gain access to WEMSIS patient care reports for patients who received care at their facility.

To gain access, hospital staff may contact WEMSIS via email and will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

If you have additional questions not addressed on this list, please contact WEMSIS via email.