Better Communication with Early Detection
It is important to find out if babies have hearing loss as soon as possible so that families and providers can give them the best possible support for developing language and communication skills. Undetected hearing loss can lead to delays in speech and language development, interacting with others, and difficulties learning. The Early Hearing-loss Detection, Diagnosis and Intervention (EHDDI) Program follows the 1-3-6 goals, to ensure that infants in Washington are:
1 – Screened for hearing loss before hospital discharge or by one month of age
3 – Have a diagnostic hearing evaluation by an audiologist by three months of age (if the infant did not pass two screens)
6 – Enrolled in early intervention by six months of age (if a hearing loss was found)
The EHDDI Program works to make sure hospitals and doctors understand and follow the above national 1-3-6 goals. To do this, we collect hearing test results on all babies born in Washington. When babies need further testing, we provide follow-up recommendations to their doctors. The doctors will then help families get further services that are needed.
Email EHDDI at
Or call 1-888-WAEHDDI (1-888-923-4334)