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In order to improve patient care and prevent prescription drug misuse the Washington State Department of Health supports electronic requests for Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) controlled substance dispensing data when received from authorized providers and hospitals via Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems. By allowing the request to come from, and the response to be displayed in the EHR system access to this important healthcare information becomes much more efficient for healthcare providers, further improves patient safety, and promotes public health. See our Prescription Monitoring Program webpages for more information.
Information for Eligible Providers and Hospitals
There are currently two ways to integrate a Health Care Organization's EHR with the PMP: the state's Health Information Exchange, OneHealthPort (OHP), and approved direct integration options, such as Bamboo Health's (formerly Appriss Health) PMP Gateway.
- If you wish to get more information on integrating your organization's EHR through OHP you can fill out OHP's HIE Support Request form. For PMP integrations select "Other" in the form and indicate you are interested in PMP integration. Someone from OHP will reach out after the form has been submitted.
- If you wish to get more information on integrating your organization's EHR through Bamboo Health's PMP Gateway please visit the Bamboo Health PMP Integration Request page and fill out the form on the right-hand side. Once the form is submitted you will receive an email inviting you to register for a product overview webinar. If you have questions about the integration process or specific questions about PMP Gateway, please email Bamboo Health account support.
PMP Web Portal Account Registration
Providers may register for an account to access the PMP web portal. The PMP web portal offers providers who don't work with an EHR system, or can't otherwise integrate PMP information to their EHR, the ability to view patient controlled substance history contained on the PMP. Web portal registration and access do not count toward Meaningful Use. Follow the online registration steps on the PMP website.
For more information
Please contact us by email.
Please see our Prescription Monitoring Program webpages for more information.