Radiation Environmental Sciences

Through environmental monitoring, sample collection, and data analysis, the Environmental Sciences Section works to protect the public and environment from hazards associated with ionizing radiation.

In accordance with RCW 70.98, this section

  • Ensures protection of the public and environment from radiation sources by conducting facility specific radiation monitoring programs near state-licensed facilities, nuclear power plants and defense-related nuclear facilities to measure radiological impacts, trends and identify or anticipate potential problems.
  • Develops a statewide radiological baseline beginning with the Hanford Site.
  • Establishes an independent quality assurance program to verify the adequacy and accuracy of environmental monitoring programs conducted by licensees and federal agencies.

Enforcement of environmental radiation standards within the state is accomplished by coordinating, integrating and evaluating data from monitoring programs operated by the state, the federal government and private industry.

The data collected from measuring levels of radiation in the air, water, soils foods and other media is published in a variety of reports listed on the Publications page.