EMS and Trauma Councils and Committees

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Local councils

The primary legal responsibility of a local council, as defined by RCW and WAC, is to recommend individuals to the Department of Health for appointment to regional councils. Recommendations should best facilitate a regional council made up of a balance of hospital and pre-hospital trauma care and EMS providers, local elected officials, consumers, local law enforcement representatives and local government agencies involved in the delivery of trauma care and emergency medical services.

A county or group of counties may create a local EMS and Trauma Care Council. Many local councils have been created by county ordinances which often broadens their responsibilities.

Local councils often serve as the "operational" branch of the EMS/Trauma System in many aspects except direct provision of patient care. Working closely with the county medical program directors, many are actively involved in initial and continuing personnel training. Some councils also sponsor public education, EMS/TC awareness and prevention programs. For some local councils these activities may be relatively few. Financial resources and the time volunteer members may devote to various projects may be limited. Other local councils contract with county government or similar organizations. The council may then assume full responsibility for operating the entire EMS and Trauma System in its area. The legislation that created local councils doesn't restrict its activities to those specifically mentioned in the law.

Local councils review, evaluate and provide recommendations to the regional EMS and Trauma Care Council regarding the provision of EMS and trauma care in the region. Local councils also provide recommendations to the regional council on the plan for delivery of EMS and trauma care in the region.