Hearing Screening Sites and Diagnostic Facilities

Hearing Screen

Babies who have never had a hearing screening or who did not pass one hearing screen should receive a hearing screen before 1 month of age.



Hearing Screening Facilities in Western WA (PDF)

  Hearing Screening Facilities in Central & Eastern WA (PDF)

Diagnostic Hearing Evaluation

Babies who do not pass two hearing screens should have a diagnostic hearing evaluation with a pediatric audiologist (hearing specialist) before 3 month of age.

Babies who pass their newborn hearing screen BUT have a risk factor for developing hearing loss should have a diagnostic hearing evaluation before 3-9 months of age.

  Audiology Clinics for Infants (PDF)


Email EHDDI at ehddi2@doh.wa.gov
Or call 1-888-WAEHDDI (1-888-923-4334)