Trauma Care Fund

We have a comprehensive statewide trauma system. The trauma system saves lives and reduces disability from severe injury. Our legislature set up the Trauma Care Fund in 1997 to help offset the high costs of trauma care (Revised Code of Washington 70.168.040).

The fund provides financial support to hospital, physician, prehospital and rehabilitation services in the trauma system. We work with the Health Care Authority to secure federal match funds through enhanced Medicaid payments for trauma care. We also pass-through funds to providers in the trauma system.

The annual budget is about $17 million. Of this total, $9.5 million is from revenue set by the legislature. The fund draws on two sources of revenue: (1) $6.50 fee on the purchase or lease of a new or used vehicle. (2) $5.00 surcharge on traffic tickets. The remaining $7.5 million comes from the Medicaid match funds.

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Contact and Connect

For information on the Trauma Care Fund contact trauma fund program staff members at 360-236-2844.

For information on Health Care Authority trauma supplemental payments contact the Office of Hospital Finance at 360-725-9820.

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