We partnered with EPA's WaterSense Program and encourage all water systems to do the same!
Promote your water efficiency program by joining EPA's WaterSense program for free. You will receive a promotional tool kit to help you educate and communicate the value of using water efficiently to your customers.
Visit the EPA WaterSense website for more information.
WUE Publications from the Department of Health
- WUE Guidebook-Third Edition 331-375 (PDF)
- Stop Water Waste Brochure
- Water Saving Tips (Word)
- Water Use Efficiency Requirements for Non-municipal Water Suppliers, Appendix U, page 117
- Reducing Leaks—Using Water Audits and Leak Detection Surveys (PDF)
- Other WUE Publications
Funding Resources
- Meter financing: Loans for private nonprofit water systems (PDF)
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
- Meter financing: Loan assistance for low income homeowners living in rural areas (PDF)
- Meter financing: Loans for publicly owned water systems (PDF)
- WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grants
External Educational Resources
- Water Smart, not Water Short: 5 Ways to Secure Water for Washington's Future, Department of Ecology (PDF)
- Natural Yard Care: Five steps to make your piece of the planet a healthier place to live, Department of Ecology (PDF)
- EPA WaterSense Program
- National Drinking Water Clearinghouse website
- Water Use it Wisely
- American Water Works Association—Water Loss Control
- Project Wet—Water Education for Teachers
- WSU Publication: Saving Water: Lawns and Other Turf (PDF)
- Alliance for Water Efficiency
- Washington State ranks 4th best in nation for WUE Rule
Non-Profit Organizations and Utilities
- Evergreen Rural Water of Washington - Technical assistance for small water systems.
- Water Resources of Washington State (USGS) - Water use data, project information, technical resources.
- Rural Community Assistance Corporation - Technical assistance funding and resources available for management and operations.
- Saving Water Partnership: A Service of your Local Water Utility - Water efficiency tips (household and businesses), natural landscaping, water efficient technological incentive program and irrigation program.
- California Water Efficiency Partnership, CalWEP - California Water Efficiency Partnership maximizes urban water efficiency and conservation throughout California.