Animal Venue Operator Requirements

An animal venue operator is a person, company, or entity who offers a setting where public contact with animals is encouraged, such as a petting zoo, county fair, horse or pony rides, or other animal exhibitions. Animal venue operators have responsibilities under Washington State rules to help prevent diseases from being transferred from animals to people. The following information and resources are to help venue operators comply with state rules.

Animals in Public Settings

State rule, WAC 246-100-192, says an animal venue operator shall provide a hand-washing station or alternative hand sanitizing method and post a prominent sign in a simple and easy-to-understand format for visitors to see before they enter the animal exhibit area which warns that:

Animal venue operators must also post a prominent sign at each exit of the animal exhibit area reminding visitors to wash their hands. Handwashing is easy to do and it's one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs.

Fair (and other animal venue) Zoonotic Disease Prevention Guide

The Washington State Department of Health has developed a Zoonotic Disease Prevention Guide for Fairs. It was developed for fair managers, planners and staff managing or working in animal exhibition areas. It is intended as a supplement to support compliance with the Washington state rule, WAC 246-100-192 Animals in Public Settings. This document is also helpful for other animal venues in addition to agricultural fairs.

Washington State Fair Guidance (PDF)

To comply with WAC 246-100-192, an animal venue operator can create their own signs, or they can use these "Wash Your Hands" and "Stay Healthy" poster options offered below:

Wash Your Hands Animals Carry Germs that can make you sick.

Welcome to the Fair - Wash Your Hands.

The following are educational posters/fact sheets that describe ways for fair exhibitors, staff and volunteers, and visitors to stay healthy when around the animals.

Fair Safety for Guests.

Magnets and Stickers

The following are production-ready templates of magnets and stickers meant to educate the public on zoonotic disease prevention and encourage and celebrate good handwashing habits. These templates can be downloaded and submitted to a local printing facility for production.

Sticker sheets (PDF)

Fair Safety Stickers.

Magnets for guests (PDF)


Magnets for fair managers (PDF)

Five Tips for Fair Safety.

More Resources

Content Source: Zoonotic Disease Program