Safe Medication Return is funded by manufacturers of covered drugs and implemented by program operators according to plans approved by the Department of Health.
- Program Operators
- place medication collection kiosks to meet requirements of RCW 69.48.060.
- maintain kiosks so they are available for use when the collection site is open for business.
- provide free, prepaid, preaddressed medication collection mailers.
- organize, manage, and fund medication take-back events.
- package, transport, and dispose of collected medication.
- make sure the public, pharmacists, and other health care professionals understand why and how to safely dispose of household over-the-counter and prescription and medications (including medications for pets).
- provide reports to the department.
- coordinate to provide a website and toll-free number where people can locate all kiosks and mailer distributors, order free mailers, ask questions, and find information about disposing of medication appropriately.
844-482-5322 (844-4TAKEBACK) TTY 711 - Approved Program Plans
- Proposed Program Plans
The department is currently reviewing updated proposals from both approved program operators. If you have comments on a proposal, please email them to us.
- Inmar Intelligence updated proposal submitted July 1, 2024 (PDF)
- MED-Project updated proposal submitted July 1, 2024 (PDF)
The department will review new proposals from potential program operators beginning July 1, 2028. To submit a proposal, email a program operator application (PDF) and your proposal.
- Program Operator Reports
MED-Project 2019 Annual Report (PDF) Does not include operational information since plan was approved May 2020.
- Inmar Annual Report (PDF)
- Inmar Collection Report (PDF)
- MED-Project Annual Report (PDF)
- MED-Project Collection Report (PDF)
- Inmar Collection Report (PDF)
- Inmar Annual Report (PDF)
- MED-Project Collection Report (PDF)
- MED-Project Annual Report (PDF)
Notes: Collection Reports only report weight of drugs collected at drop-off kiosks. Annual Reports include weights collected through all methods: kiosks, mailers, and take-back events.
RCW 69.48.100 requires program operators to submit annual collection and operations reports and requires the department to publish these reports. The department makes no statement as to the content of these reports.
- Reports to the Legislature