Training Materials and Resources

Baby Behavior

About Baby Behavior

Dr. Jane Heinig trained Washington WIC staff on the Secrets of Baby Behavior. Dr. Heinig was the lead researcher in the UC Davis FitWIC Baby Behavior study.

Dr. Heinig found that parents' first response to crying is to feed the baby. The California WIC Program, with the UC Davis Human Lactation Center, developed the Baby Behavior trainings to teach parents how to read their babies' cues. The FitWIC study found that when parents learn about normal infant behavior they feel more confident about meeting their infants' needs. This results in more mothers exclusively breastfeeding their children, and when formula is used there is less overfeeding.

Baby Behavior messaging is meant to enhance, rather than replace, the prenatal and early infancy education currently being offered to clients.

WIC staff can use the following materials to train new or existing staff and for facilitating client group education. These materials will help staff develop and strengthen their Baby Behavior skills and build their confidence through applying their Baby Behavior knowledge as it relates to baby cues, crying, and sleep.

For additional training on the Secrets of Baby Behavior, please go to Washington's Learning Center (LC). WIC staff in Washington state may receive access to the LC by sending a request to

Prenatal Education Materials

Item Staff Training Group Education
Facilitator's Guide for Staff Training (PDF) yes no
Lesson Plan (PDF) yes yes
Scavenger Hunt Worksheet (PDF) yes no
Training Activity Instructions (PDF) yes no
Individual Education Worksheet: Understanding Your Newborn Baby's Behavior (PDF) yes no
Class Agenda: Understanding Your Newborn Baby's Behavior (PDF) yes yes
Why Do Babies Cry? (PDF) yes yes
Understanding Your Baby's Cues (PDF) yes yes
Healthy Sleep: For You and Your Baby (PDF) yes yes
Training Evaluation (PDF) yes no

Early Infancy Education Materials

Item Staff Training Group Education
Facilitator's Guide for Staff Training (PDF) yes no
Lesson Plan (PDF) yes yes
Class Agenda: Baby Cues (PDF) yes yes
Frequently Asked Questions for Baby Behavior (PDF) yes no
Class Handout: Understanding Your Baby's Cues/What Is Your Baby Saying (PDF) yes yes
Why Do Babies Cry? (PDF) yes yes
Understanding Your Baby's Cues (PDF) yes yes
Healthy Sleep: For You and Your Baby (PDF) yes yes
Training Evaluation (PDF) yes no

Staff Refresher Training Materials

Module 1 - Baby Cues

Module 2 - Crying

Module 3 - Sleeping


These quarterly Energizers will give you an opportunity to refresh your skills and build your confidence talking about Baby Behavior messaging with your clients. They range in time from 15 minutes to a few hours and can be completed alone as well as in a 1-to-1 or group setting. Supporting documents mentioned in the Energizers are also listed below.

Breastfeeding Coordinator's Resource Toolkit

The purpose of the Breastfeeding Coordinator's Resource Toolkit (PDF) is to help familiarize new and experienced WIC breastfeeding coordinators with their role. This Toolkit contains information and resources for helping breastfeeding coordinators be successful in helping staff promote and support breastfeeding in WIC.

Breastfeeding Resources

The Breastfeeding Resources Spreadsheet (Excel) contains numerous links to valuable breastfeeding resources. Staff can refer to this spreadsheet while working with participants, during staff training, or on their own.

Note: We suggest bookmarking the link for quick reference and not printing because of the number of pages.

Breastfeeding Review

Civil Rights Module

These materials are designed to help local WIC agency staff fulfill their annual Civil Rights training requirements. The materials can be reviewed independently or in a group setting. The learning assessment provides the opportunity to evaluate staff's knowledge about the information included in the PowerPoint presentation. An answer key is provided.

Nutrition Education and Care Plan Guidance

This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of Nutrition Education and Care Plan documentation guidance. Topics include: 

  • An overview of the 6 Required Guidance documents
  • Participant stories with nutrition education documentation examples for Initial, Subsequent  Certifications, the Presume Eligible Complete Assessment, the Mid Certification Health Assessment, and Nutrition Education-Individual 
  • Information for the High Risk Care Plan written by the WIC RDN, the non-WIC RDN, and Group Classes

Nutrition Education and Care Plan Guidance PPT for staff (PDF)

Nutrition Interventions for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Nutrition Interventions for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (PDF)
The nutrition interventions in this resource can be applied to both children and youth. The resource has three sections: Determination of Nutritional Status, Problem-Based Nutrition Interventions and Condition-Specific Nutrition Interventions. The resource is intended to enhance the development of skills for providers seeing children and youth with nutrition and feeding problems.

Talk, Listen, Connect (TLC)

These TLC style session guides will help you use your breastfeeding superpowers to move the dial in the WIC clinic. These guides cover using empathy and compassion before offering education, using consistent client centered messages among all WIC staff, and assessing the message your environment is saying to clients.

Planning to be an awesome mom

These guides use Emotional Drivers to connect with clients about breastfeeding on a deeper level, and add another layer to WIC Connects skills. Tools (Gift Tags, Awesome Mom Letters, Simple Steps Posters, and Magnets) were carefully paired with the Roadmaps and Talk Listen Connect sessions. Print the TLC Session Guides from this webpage. Washington WIC staff can order tools from the Fulfillment Center.